Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you didn't remember the stress of your workplace when you get home?
From the mind of Dan Erickson, directed by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle, Severance offers an answer to the aforementioned question and pushes the limit by asking "when your consciousness is spilt into two, which one is the real you?"
The series follows a severed employee at Lumon, Mark who has recently been promoted to the Head of Microdata and Refinement Department after the sudden resignation of his boss and the recruitment of a new employee, Helly Riggs.
Severance has a unique plot, while the execution of a series without a definite blueprint can prove difficult, it does not fall into this hole. The series answers (almost)all the questions it poses in the first few episodes but ends on a note that will leave you spiraling and brimming with inquisitiveness.
For every character, we follow two distinct behaviours; severed(innie) and unsevered(outie). For instance, unsevered Mark is pessimistic, visibly sad and often sarcastic while severed Mark is organized, inquisitive and upbeat.
Also, their distinct character traits can seep into each other. It is believed that innie Irving's obsession with Kerr; the founder, is birthed out of outie Irving's knowledge of the corporation.
The series excels in the dynamics, the contradictions and connections of a character within itself.
From the mind of cinematographer, Jessica Lee Gagné, Severance achieved an unbelievable level of ethereal visuals.
Without natural light in the office to play off of, it is difficult to get distinctive shots and angles but the show executes it so well.
The lighting is used in different shades to convey emotions and situations. Sometimes they are colorful and have an eery underlying tone.
My favourite shots are the wide shots with the character(s) at the center.
The acting in severance is subtle yet powerful in many ways, the shift in facial expressions, stance and overall presence between the severed and unserved.
While Adam Scott is phenomenal in his role, I think praises should be given to Tramell Tillman for his portrayal of Milchick. Channeling an overwhelming presence and a dangerous undertone as he delivers his lines with a smile.
Thank God you've finally experienced this. Severance is Mystery-thriller at its peak. Best show of the year undoubtedly. You know ball