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Showing posts with the label GAMING

God Of War

   Kratos is officially coming back to PlayStation consoles near you on April 20,2018. I hate the fact they changed the voice actor but I guess it's just me probably because I haven't seen anybody talk about it.   I saw the story trailer yesterday and so I'll be mentioning the things that I love already and the things I fear. From the story trailer,it appears Kratos just lost his wife and his son Atreus is still grieving as well as learning how to survive from his father Kratos.  Apparently Atreus doesn't know his father is a literal god who killed basically all the top tier greek gods and for some strange reason,Kratos doesn't want to tell him(i scratched my head for this).   Atreus falls Ill because he's godly side is taken over,I honestly don't know how that makes sense but that's what I heard in the trailer. I might be wrong but I don't think I am guys with PlayStation consoles should tell us noobs!.   Now I said ...

New Year,New Stuff

   . By the time you're reading this it'll be 2018 and I just want to say a very big thank you to those who read my blog and have been following from the get go and those that read now.  Seeing people read the things I write makes me so happy and has motivated me to try to be better at my blog posts(I proof read now... To an extent) so once again,thanks     It's a new year so I just wanted to say I'll post more music stuff, I really love music especially hip hop and I know some of you night not be into that so I just wanted to tell you ahead of time and my friend Andrea told me it's the polite thing to do. I'll also make posts about Gaming even though I don't have a console or PC and cartoons and anime too! So if you liked the little posts I made about Anime and Cartoons,I'll make more of that.     This isn't as long as my normal posts because it's not really a "full post" but more like an "FYI note". So far ...