. By the time you're reading this it'll be 2018 and I just want to say a very big thank you to those who read my blog and have been following from the get go and those that read now. Seeing people read the things I write makes me so happy and has motivated me to try to be better at my blog posts(I proof read now... To an extent) so once again,thanks It's a new year so I just wanted to say I'll post more music stuff, I really love music especially hip hop and I know some of you night not be into that so I just wanted to tell you ahead of time and my friend Andrea told me it's the polite thing to do. I'll also make posts about Gaming even though I don't have a console or PC and cartoons and anime too! So if you liked the little posts I made about Anime and Cartoons,I'll make more of that. This isn't as long as my normal posts because it's not really a "full post" but more like an "FYI note". So far ...