The second DC Universe Live Action show; Doom Patrol just premiered and I must say, it was a really interesting watch.
Following the lives of the Doom Patrol, a team of very strange heroes who we first encounter during an episode of Titans, the show sheds more light on how they came to be the "freaks" that they are now through a brilliant narrator who ties into the episode and beautiful acting from every member of the cast.
Following the lives of the Doom Patrol, a team of very strange heroes who we first encounter during an episode of Titans, the show sheds more light on how they came to be the "freaks" that they are now through a brilliant narrator who ties into the episode and beautiful acting from every member of the cast.
If you saw them in Titans, you might have been pissed off by the actor who played Chief there. I thought he was horrible and the show recast him with a much better and intense actor who carries each scene he's in. With just the first episode, I was very impressed by how funny, serious and emotional it was. Unlike the show before it, Doom Patrol managed to start off on a high note with so many possibilities, it actually manage to do the whole team dynamic better than the Titan show. I could actually feel the bond amongst each member of the team unlike Titans which was about building the team's relationship.
After seeing the first episode, I think what made me enjoy it the most was how they made all the members of the Doom Patrol easy to sympathize with. Cliff A.K.A Robot Man remains to be my favorite of the bunch, even in his metal body, he has the biggest heart. The first episode showed how he wasn't the best guy and showed his flaws in a hilarious yet touching way which made me love his character the way I loved Alphonso from the Full Metal Alchemist anime. The new member of the team Lazy Jane has 64 personalities and each one of them has their own unique power. Unfortunately Cyborg hasn't showed up yet so there's that and, I feel like how Titans went, it'll take a while before Cyborg shows up.
Honestly, there's a lot of possibilities with this show because, the premise is about a bunch of outsiders coming together. That alone means pretty much any super powered hero or villain can show up on the show at this point and, I'm also very curious as to what they do with Cyborg because, based on the usual canon, Cyborg's dad uses the motherbox to bring him back and am not sure The Chief(guy who helps them) has access to a motherbox so let's see how they tackle his origin story.
The characters are fun, the premise is so different yet it manages to stay grounded in reality and manage to be very emotional because of how interesting and relatable the characters are. The show is serious yet not too serious,funny and heartwarming, contains one of the best cinematography in a superhero show. It contains flashy scenes with cgi that looks very believable so, stop whatever you're doing and go watch DC's Doom Patrol right now!
I felt the ending didn't meet up with the vibe a little
ReplyDeleteIt was the first episode, that's not the end of the series.
ReplyDeleteBravo â