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Wreck It Ralph: Ralph Breaks The Internet

Ralph Breaks The Internet is the sequel to Wreck It Ralph which i didn't know i needed. The film starts of six years after the first film with Vanellope and Ralph living their daily lives at the arcade with the only different thing now is the fact that Vanellope is tired of her own game. She wants to get a new exciting experience and so she’s basically depressed about how repetitive her life is which is basically the struggle of every teenager and yes, she’s pretty much a teenager even though she’s stuck in the age of a child.

When Ralph tries to make Vanellope’s game more exciting by creating a driving course,this ultimately leads to the gamer breaking the steering wheel when she can’t control her car due to Vanellnope driving of the controlled course to go to the one Ralph created. Without Cree 1stthe steering wheel, her game gets abandoned and without a game, she has no purpose so Ralph and Vanellope must travel to the internet to get it from E-bay.

With such a simplistic internet based plot, you’d expect the film to be like “The Emoji” movie which was a comedy film that solely focused on forcing corporate advertisement down our throats. As much as I liked the emoji movie,it was basically a really long advertisement for giant tech companies from start to finish. Ralph Breaks The Internet on the other hand is so much more, for an animated film, I was surprised at how in depth they went with their analysis of the internet. They covered cyber bullying in such a simple yet very thoughtful  manner through a powerful scene towards the climax of the film. They were other things like reflecting on virus, search engines,online trivia and ads in such a clever way that fits perfectly into our real life internet.
  Ralph Breaks The Internet does something very many sequels don’t and that is, surpass the first film. I think its very bold for filmmakers to challenge the “happily ever after” ending and go on a quest to create new stories. Animated films like Toy Story 2 and 3 perfectly did this and hopefully the fourth film will continue the tradition of creating new stories even after having perfect endings. Why I love this film is because, it ends on a sour sweet note. I just really enjoy films that dare to defy their target audience expectations by surprising them and making them have conversations about the film for months and even years
I loved Gal Gadot and Taraji P.Henson in this film, they play Shank and YESSS respectively. Shank is a badass dirt racer gaming character who works with her crew to challenge gamers who play her game "Slaughter Race" in order to make them better players and YESSS is pretty much the virtual manager of everything that trends on a fictional streaming giant, "buzzztube". 

Shank and YESSS are directly tied to Ralph and Vanellope as Shank inspires and challenges Vanellope while YESSS helps Ralph make money fir a new steering wheel. Also, Shank looks almost identical to Gal even has the badass Wonder Woman stare and is definitely inspired by Gal's fast and furious character.

  I honestly do not think this is a spoiler because they were in the trailer so I’ll talk about it but,I feel like I might give certain plot topics that might be seen as “spoiler-ish”. I think besides every scene with Gal Gadot’s “Shank”, my favorite scene has to be the whole visit to virtual "Oh My Disney". It was incredibly funny from start to finish from the hilarious Question and Answer with Groot(yes,you heard me) to Vanellope meeting the disney princess and a joke about Merida, you could easily tell that the writers of this film had a blast doing it because the film is genuinely funny and smart. It could have been another Emoji Movie but instead, it even surpasses Wreck It Ralph which was pretty much a perfect film.

  All in all, Ralph Breaks The Internet is a great film filled with lessons about friendship, comedy,great analysis of the web,great cameos and incredibly credits scene that trolls deleted scenes in films these days. My only real gripe with the film was the fact that original characters from the first film besides Ralph and Vanellope had little role to play. If you liked the first film,you’ll love this one even more. If you enjoyed reading this post, leave a comment down below, share, and subscribe to our newsletter for more post updates and also, Happy Birthday To my Great friend Ebele! 


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